Archived: Archived: Wind up VicForests

It's time to honour Victoria's natural web of life, not destroy it. It's time to partner with scientists, First Nations and community to look after our native forest and river habitats, for the...

Legislate our new parks

Victoria’s central west national parks must be legislated now! Please add your signature to this petition to demand the Victorian Government act now to legislate the new central west national...

End the state ban on marine protection

Victoria created the world’s first network of protected marine areas in 2002. The community pushed hard for 13 marine ground-breaking national parks and 11 sanctuaries. For twenty years...
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Say no to Alpine Park development

The Labor Government is funding the construction of four tourist hubs in the heart of Victoria’s Alpine National Park. The hubs will be built by Parks Victoria but privately-operated. The […]...
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Halt Victoria’s extinction crisis

To put it bluntly, our state isn extinction disgrace. Since colonisation, 81 species have been driven to extinction. Today, over 2000 of Victoria’s plants,nimalsnd ecological communities...
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Time to list feral deer as a pest

Feral deer destroy shrubs, ringbark trees, trample rainforests, wallow in wetlands, wreck orchardsd vineyards,d they’re a hazard on our roads. The state government’s recent East, West...
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