Do you have a passion for Victoria’s wildlife and natural places? Are you keen to gain more experience in nature advocacy, citizen science and environmental outreach?
Our student placements are an exciting opportunity to gain professional experience in the nature conservation not-for-profit sector.
Each role has different requirements but all successful applicants work in our VNPA office. This is typically one day per week for 12 weeks (negotiable on a case-by-case basis). Placements are managed under the supervision of the relevant program coordinator.
Please note: Programs are typically office-based. Field related activities for volunteers are available but generally outside the scope of student placements. Join our NatureWatch, ReefWatch and NextGen Nature email lists for field-based opportunities.
Applications open: Tuesday 4 February
Applications close: Tuesday 18 February
Students notified: Thursday 20 February
Placements run from the week of Monday 3 March to the week of Monday 2 June excluding easter week.
Grassy Plains Network placement – grasslands focus – see role description
NatureWatch placement – terrestrial citizen science focus – see role description
ReefWatch placement – marine citizen science focus – see role description
Placements are offered to tertiary students who:
• Study a course relevant to the role.
• Are passionate about the area of work.
• Have some experience (preferred but not essential).
Refer to selection criteria in the relevant role descriptions above for more information.
If you’d like to apply for more than one role, you only need to fill in one application.
As part of the placement students commit to:
• Attending our VNPA office one day per week for a semester (12 weeks).
• Follow the duties outlined in the role description.
• Agree to the terms and conditions of VNPA’s Student Placement Agreement.
Consider the role that you’d like to apply for, read the relevant role description and complete an online application!
Sera Blair
NatureWatch Coordinator
[email protected]
Caitlin Griffith
Community Learning & Engagement Manager
[email protected]
‘Being in an environment with so many people doing positive things has been pretty inspiring and added to feelings of hope’ – Gemma
‘A VNPA placement will help cement the path of your passion. Whether it’s the science of conservation, or conversations about science, VNPA has it all’ – Jeremy
‘My placement has been one which has given me a wealth of knowledge and appreciation for environmental science and conservation in Victoria, and has greatly contributed to my professional development’ – Rachel
The Victorian National Parks Association is an effective and influential nature conservation organisation. We’ve led the creation, oversight and defence of Victoria’s natural estate for over 70 years.
We work with local communities, scientists and government to advocate for evidence-based policy to safeguard wildlife, habitat and protected areas. We inspire connections with nature through citizen science, activities, action and education for all Victorians.