Archived: Wind up VicForests

It's time to honour Victoria's natural web of life, not destroy it. It's time to partner with scientists, First Nations and community to look after our native forest and river habitats, for the...

Protect our critically endangered grasslands

The grassy plains that once covered a third of Victoria were home to Bettongs, Eastern Quolls and Pig-footed Bandicoots. They shared these native prairies with White-footed Rabbit-rats and Eastern...

Support new parks not native logging

The Andrews Government has locked in ten more years of taxpayer-funded logging in the central west. The decision to re-sign the Regional Forestry Agreements only weeks after the tragic summer...
Act now
Leadbeater's Possum is at high risk of extinction within 15-30 years. Photo: Dan Harley

COMPLETE: Tell the ALP to stand strong on new nature laws

Australia is facing an extinction and pollution crisis. Our current environment laws are too weak to stop companies damaging the people, places and wildlife we love. Over 2,000 species and […]...
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Create the Great Forest National Park

The forests of the Central Highlands are a refuge for people and wildlife. They’re a key source of clean drinking water and incredibly carbon rich. Now is a critical time […]...
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