PARK WATCH Article December 2023 | Bertram Lobert, Save Our Strathbogie Forest President, on the balancing act between fire and Greater Gliders Taking legal action is no small thing for […]...
PARK WATCH Article December 2023 | Ben Gill, Nature Conservation Campaigner, investigates disregard for national nature laws VNPA was shocked to discover the Department of Energy, Environment and...
Geelong and Melbourne are bursting at the seams. Our towns and cities are looking for ways to accommodate our growing communities. The City of Greater Geelong wants to build new […]...
The Western Port Woodlands is pure magic. Snuffly Southern Brown Bandicoots and mighty Lace Monitors fossick among the grasses, wildflowers and orchids. These patches of bushland are a haven for...
PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Catherine Watson from Save Western Port woodlands reports on the epic journey to protect this important wildlife corridor from sand mining After 747 submissions,...
TAKE ACTION | Page updated 15/05/2023 Victoria’s alpine areas are much loved for their majestic landscapes and unique plants and animals. The heads of many rivers are found in their […]...
We’ve taken a historic action to protect a strange but remarkable bug from extinction. We need your help to make it happen. The Mount Donna Buang Wingless Stonefly lives only […]...
Republished from The Conversation | I realised the fat-tailed dunnart was under threat. Here’s how I got the species officially listed By Emily Scicluna and Jim Radford Saving endangered species...
The Victorian Volcanic Plains were once home to bandicoots, potoroos, quolls, bilbies, marsupial mice and more. The vast majority of these never-to-be-seen-again creatures relied on grassland...
MEDIA RELEASE 30 March 2023 | The Victorian Government has been urged to list the Fat-tailed Dunnart as vulnerable, with the last surviving small marsupial of the state’s volcanic plains […]...