Parks for life!

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | Now is the perfect time to expand and improve our national park network, explains Matt Ruchel, Executive Director National parks are the cornerstone of […]...
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Time for a People’s Audit of our grasslands

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | It’s time for a public accounting of the MSA conservation areas, says Adrian Marshall, Grassy Plains Network Facilitator Two years ago, I got a […]...
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Renewing native grasslands in our cities

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | Katherine Horsfall is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, researching urbanisation as a huge driver for the loss of native grassy ecosystems […]...
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How strategic are strategic assessments?

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Grassy Plains Coordinator, Adrian Marshall, assesses strategic assessments There is lots of talk around the reform of Australia’s national nature laws, the...
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State of our grasslands

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Adrian Marshall, Grassy Plains Coordinator, on the recommendations of the latest State of the Environment report The Allan Government must do more to protect...
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Saving the last one per cent

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Grassy Plains Network Facilitator Adrian Marshall says radical changes are needed if the Government is to succeed in retaining the last one per cent […]...
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Grasslands grapple with growth

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Adrian Marshall asks: Does the Geelong Strategic Assessment threaten nature? Geelong’s Northern and Western Growth Areas are 6,000 hectares earmarked for...
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