The grassy plains that once covered a third of Victoria were home to Bettongs, Eastern Quolls and Pig-footed Bandicoots.
They shared these native prairies with White-footed Rabbit-rats and Eastern Barred Bandicoots.
Now less than two percent of our wildflower meadows remain. It only took 200 years to almost destroy what was cared for by traditional custodians for over millennia.
Only 16 individuals of the most endangered reptile in the world, the Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon, are known to exist. Another elusive grassland creature, the Plains Wanderer, is considered the bird of greatest conservation significance in the world.
But still the erasure and destruction of grassland habitat continue. Last year, yesterday, today.
Despite promises and plans from both state and federal governments, these habitats and wildlife still don’t have the protection they deserve.
What needs to be done?
- The Australian Labor Government reviews the deal made to protect our grasslands – the Melbourne Strategic Assessment.
- The Victorian Labor Government protects important urban grasslands: Solomon Heights, Ajax Road and Burns Road Grasslands and the Broadcast Australia site in Sydenham among others.
- More upfront protection of the remaining patches of our grassy ecosystems (less offsetting).
- Restore surviving grassy meadows with a strong native seed industry.
- Stop destroying grasslands! Grasslands are cleared for gas pipelines, batteries, rail upgrades, jails, freight hubs, major roads, train station car parks, housing projects and urban sprawl.
- Redirect the $3 billion raised annually by the federal government from GST on pet-care spending to care for our 2000+ native endangered plants and animals.
- Inspire landowners to look after grasslands with better protections and stronger incentives.