Rogue logging in Cobaw Forest, February 2023 (Ben Gill).

Rogue logging our special places

Rogue logging is destroying vulnerable areas of our protected parks and reserves. Under the guise of ‘storm clean up’ and ‘fire management’, invaluable forests are being trashed and sold for...
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Macedon Ranges’ majestic Snow Gums

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Tanya Loos, Biodiversity Projects Officer with Macedon Ranges Shire Council, describes the area’s growing love and concern for their Snow Gums The first time I...
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What’s up for nature in Andrews’ third term?

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Executive director Matt Ruchel reports on what the 2022 state election delivered for nature. Following a largely lacklustre state election in November, the Andrews...
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Legislate our new parks

Victoria’s central west national parks must be legislated now! Please add your signature to this petition to demand the Victorian Government act now to legislate the new central west national...
Act now

Promises smashed

PARK WATCH Article June 2022 | VicForests are unleashed in the Wombat Forest, cutting up the proposed national park, writes Executive Director Matt Ruchel.  Last year we welcomed the Andrews...
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Logging Greater Glider homes

PARK WATCH Article June 2022 | As VicForests log the Wombat Forest, we release new monitoring results showing these areas are habitat to already threatened Greater Gliders, writes Executive Director...
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