Archived: Archived: Wind up VicForests

It's time to honour Victoria's natural web of life, not destroy it. It's time to partner with scientists, First Nations and community to look after our native forest and river habitats, for the...

Complete: Ask Geelong City to make homes for wildlife and people

Geelong and Melbourne are bursting at the seams. Our towns and cities are looking for ways to accommodate our growing communities. The City of Greater Geelong wants to build new […]...

Complete: Help shape a healthy future for the Prom

The Prom’s special features and habitats are under pressure – from invasive species, increased visitation and climate disruption. Right now Parks Victoria are looking for guidance on how to...
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Deer action: the buck stops here

The federal government’s National Feral Deer Action Plan is welcome progress on this serious invasive pest. But it doesn’t do enough for Victoria. We need definitive action to stop a million...
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Protect Mt Stirling Link

VicForests plans to log sensitive habitat between the Mount Stirling Alpine Resort and the Alpine National Park. Endangered forest-dependent animals like the Greater Glider and Sooty Owl are at risk....
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