Pipis in Venus Bay

Pipis under pressure

NEWS 6 July 2018 | Victoria’s prized shellfish, known as the pipi, is found beneath the waves in the intertidal areas of Victorian beaches. Pipi has long been under pressure […]...
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Photo: Jenny Fawcett, Flickr | CC

Groups call for removal of racehorses from Belfast Coastal Reserve plan

MEDIA RELEASE 15 March 2018 | As the deadline for submissions on the draft Belfast Coastal Reserve management plan nears, national, state and local environment groups have called on the […]...
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Racehorses tear up Belfast Coastal Reserve-Photo Chris Smyth

New blow to hooded plovers and family beach days

MEDIA RELEASE:  17 January 2018 | The Andrews Government’s draft management plan for the Belfast Coastal Reserve (between Port Fairy and Warrnambool) released today increases the area available to...
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River red gum wetlands along the Murray River Photo: Michael Rawle | Flickr CC

Three years on: how is the state government tracking?

PARK WATCH December 2017 | Analysis of the Andrews Government at the three-quarter mark It’s been three years of the Andrews Labor Government’s term in office, and we are now […]...
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Hooded plover on the beach-box

Take action on horses hurting hoodies

PARK WATCH September 2017 | VNPA marine and coastal coordinator Chris Smyth gives an update and calls on Park Watch readers to help stop our beaches becoming racetracks. Despite barely […]...
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