Mount Cole still on the chopping block

PARK WATCH March 2020 | VicForest’s plans for clearfell logging in areas of proposed national park must be halted, argues Matt Ruchel. Community assets and natural values protected – or...
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Support new parks not native logging

The Andrews Government has locked in ten more years of taxpayer-funded logging in the central west. The decision to re-sign the Regional Forestry Agreements only weeks after the tragic summer...
Act now
Boy in forest

Deputy: Don’t let the central west get away

The Andrews Government is late for a very important date. They must decide whether or not to create new park refuges for wildlife, nature and people – but they haven’t. […]...
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Wombat Forest, A Greater Refuge for Gliders

REPORT 2020 | The report shows the numbers of Greater Gliders within the Wombat Forest is large and regionally significant, supporting the proposal for a new national park to permanently protect this...
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