Zombie western forest agreements

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Regulatory relics getting a polish up? The controversial Regional Forest Agreements are being reviewed. But will it lead to better outcomes for Victoria’s forests?  The...
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Black Saturday – Forests after the fires

PARK WATCH March 2019 | Sera Blair looks at the impacts on and recovery of Victoria’s mountain ash forests. On 7 February 2009, fire spread rapidly through 78,200 hectares of mountain […]...
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Nature in the next term

PARK WATCH December 2018 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel reviews environmental policy in the state election.  Congratulations to the re-elected Andrews Government, with their massively...
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Let’s protect it forever

PARK WATCH December 2018 | We are one step closer to protecting Victoria’s central western forests, says our Nature Conservation Campaigner Shannon Hurley. VNPA has advocated for the protection of...
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A ‘peak’ of interest

PARK WATCH December 2018 | Windingrough temperate forested peaks and gullies in Victoria’s central west is one of our state’s most-loved and accessible bushwalks,e Beeripmo Walk. Walkers...
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Nature ignored in state election

NEWS UPDATE 23 November 2018 | Looking after our natural heritage is a key state responsibility, but the major parties have mostly ignored its existence, and released very little in […]...
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National parks creation needs a jump start

PARK WATCH September 2018 | In November 2017, the Andrews Government was tracking as the worst performer in terms of park creation over the last 60+ years. Now, with only […]...
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