Opportunity to strengthen national environmental laws

PARK WATCH June 2020 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel guides us through the review of the EBPC Act. The main piece of national environmental law, the Environment Protection and […]...
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Park Watch June 2020

In this edition, we examine several reviews, reforms and renewals oftate and national laws and legal agreements relating to nature protection, threatenedpecies and native forest logging.  We...
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The Central West National Parks must be legislated now. Will you give today?

New national parks now

Together we'll keep pushing for the central west national parks to be legislated. ...
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A Greater Refuge for Gliders

Park Watch March 2020 | In the tall trees of the Central West lives a quiet yet enigmatic creature, writes VNPA Nature Conservation Campaigner Jordan Crook. During the day they […]...
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Mount Cole still on the chopping block

PARK WATCH March 2020 | VicForest’s plans for clearfell logging in areas of proposed national park must be halted, argues Matt Ruchel. Community assets and natural values protected – or...
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Save or salvage

PARK WATCH March 2020 | Short-term economic gain, long-term ecological damage – VNPA Nature Conservation Campaigner John Kotsiaris denounces salvage logging. Victoria is already Australia’s most...
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Fire response and recovery package for nature welcomed

MEDIA RELEASE 23 January 2020 | The Victorian Government’s announcement of a $17.5 million fire response and recovery package for nature is a welcome step forward, but needs to be matched...
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