The Prom as a sanctuary

PARK WATCH December 2019 | It’s time for the best management proposal our parks have ever seen, says VNPA’s Phil Ingamells. I once found myself in the steamy tropical forests of […]...
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An end to logging of Victoria’s native forests?

PARK WATCH December 2019 | An announcement by the Andrews Government is a breakthrough – of sorts – towards securing better management of Victoria’s native forests. Overview by our Executive...
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What about the west?

PARK WATCH December 2019 | The Andrews Government should immediately cease logging within proposed new national parks and reserves in Victoria’s central west, says our Nature Conservation...
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Public access to public land: what’s the game?

PARK WATCH December 2019 | There is littleommunity understanding of our ‘rights’ to access different types of public land, especially national parks. It’s an increasing problem and deserves...
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Otways Cut Up

PARK WATCH December 2019 | A proposed park takeover along the great ocean road rolls on … inexplicably, writes Phil Ingamells. The Great Otway National Park was created by the ALP […]...
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The promised grasslands of the never never

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: A new bill that highlights the failure of decade old efforts to protect critically endangered grassland from urban growth is being debated in the Victorian upper house on […]...
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Backyard Bandicoots

PARK WATCH December 2019 | Our NatureWatch Coordinator Sera Blair introduces us to our native neighbours. This summer our NatureWatch program’s new project ‘Backyard Bandicoots’ will...
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A blue print for our blue commons

PARK WATCH September 2019 | VNPA’s Nature Conservation Campaigner Shannon Hurley gives an overview of Victoria’s ongoing marine and coastal reforms. Our seas and shores support all life, and...
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Feral horses end up in court

PARK WATCH September 2019 | VNPA’s Parks Protection campaigner Phil Ingamells reports from the Federal Court, where the Australian Brumby Alliance was challenging Parks Victoria’s alpine...
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World Heritage for Budj Bim

PARK WATCH September 2019 | An Aboriginal cultural site in Victoria, older than Stonehenge, has been added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, located in the...
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