Smooth ray

2017 Great Victorian Fish Count report released

PROGRAM UPDATE 20 June 2018 | Our 2017 Great Victorian Fish Count was another great success of citizen science, with over 700 volunteer divers and snorkelers recording an amazing diversity […]...
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Tall trees in Yarra Ranges National Park Photo: Anthony Agius, Flickr CC

No logging in our national parks

NEWS 14 June 2018 | Thanks to action from our supporters both our state government and opposition have ruled out logging in our national parks! Back in March, the logging […]...
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Wildfire at Wilsons Promontory

Being frank about fire

PARK WATCH June 2018 | The Department of Environment’s reporting on its fuel management program is far from adequate, says Phil Ingamells. There are few things more important for a […]...
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We love parks, but do our politicians?

PARK WATCH June 2018 | Our national parks may be legally protected, but they are being neglected in our state budget, reports Matt Ruchel. We love parks, and so does the […]...
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A coppicing spotted gum stump that will regrow to be harvested again.

The nature of wood

PARK WATCH June 2018 | As winter descends, are you one of many conflicted about sourcing firewood to heat your home? Ben Boxshall, land manager, forestry practitioner and a member […]...
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A sambar stag enjoying a bath in one of the Alpine National Parks national and state listed peatbeds.

Dealing with deer

PARK WATCH June 2018 | Victoria’s deer management strategy can and should include real answers to the deer problem, says Phil Ingamells. Deer are creating havoc in our natural areas. […]...
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Mount Feathertop is Victoria’s only freestanding mountain of any magnitude, and so far it has remainned largely untouched. Tourism plans for a series of luxury cabins and a group lodge on the peak’s Diamantina Spur, serviced daily by helicopters, have little public support

Where’s the line?

PARK WATCH June 2018 | Planning rules for tourism and other visitor infrastructure in public land are largely absent, and guidelines are increasingly ignored where they do exist, reports Phil...
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