Photo: Jenny Fawcett, Flickr | CC

Shifting sands

PARK WATCH March 2019 | The Andrews Government’s special treatment of the racing industry has reached a whole new level. But so too has the rise of community opposition, explains VNPA […]...
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Plans for our big blue backyard

PARK WATCH March 2019 | Victoria is looking towards a new integrated way of managing our marine environment that involves cross-sector collaboration, explains VNPA Nature Conservation Campaigner...
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Draft deer plan will not protect nature or the community

PARK WATCH March 2019 | Victoria’s draft Deer Management Strategy, released late last year, lacks ambition. It will not reverse the serious impacts deer are having across Victoria, says VNPA Park...
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States of equine confusion

PARK WATCH March 2019 | Will high country feral horse management ever make sense? Not while people ignore decades of science, says VNPA Park Protection Campaigner Phil Ingamells. Will we ever...
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What happened to Victoria’s park visitor centres?

PARK WATCH March 2019 | VNPA’s Phil Ingamells wonders why park visitors are increasingly left in the dark. It’s a strange business this. People really like learning about nature. But despite...
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Black Saturday – Ten years on

PARK WATCH March 2019 | Much has been learnt, and there’s more learning to do, says Phil Ingamells. A few hundred metres up a seldom-walked track through Kinglake National Park, a […]...
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Black Saturday – Forests after the fires

PARK WATCH March 2019 | Sera Blair looks at the impacts on and recovery of Victoria’s mountain ash forests. On 7 February 2009, fire spread rapidly through 78,200 hectares of mountain […]...
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Nature in the next term

PARK WATCH December 2018 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel reviews environmental policy in the state election.  Congratulations to the re-elected Andrews Government, with their massively...
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