Skinny feral horse. Photo: Federation students

Feral horses in national parks

Hard-hooved animals are not native to Australia, and many of our native plants and animals are threatened by their impacts. Feral horses, pigs, goats, camels and deer are now found […]...
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Wombat caught in illegal snare trap

NEWS 10 June 2020 | In mid-May VNPA campaigner Jordan Crook was called to a gruesome scene at Warramate Hills Nature Conservation Reserve that shocked and sickened him. A bushwalker […]...
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Court upholds national park management

MEDIA RELEASE 29 MAY 2020 | Victoria’s Supreme Court has today cleared the way for Parks Victoria to cull feral horses in the Alpine National Park. “This is the second time […]...
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A Greater Refuge for Gliders

Park Watch March 2020 | In the tall trees of the Central West lives a quiet yet enigmatic creature, writes VNPA Nature Conservation Campaigner Jordan Crook. During the day they […]...
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Mount Cole still on the chopping block

PARK WATCH March 2020 | VicForest’s plans for clearfell logging in areas of proposed national park must be halted, argues Matt Ruchel. Community assets and natural values protected – or...
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This summer’s fire

PARK WATCH March 2020 | Our native plants and animals have had a long and troubled parent-child relationship with fire. It might be becoming an irreconcilable one, writes VNPA Parks Protection...
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