New year News for Spider Crabs

PARK WATCH June 2022 | It seems these mysterious creatures may return this season, shares campaigner Shannon Hurley. The new year isn’t just a fresh start and a time for […]...
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New research reveals more Greater Gliders at risk from logging in Wombat Forest

MEDIA RELEASE 21 June 2022 | New research reveals more Greater Gliders at risk from logging in Wombat Forest as national park designation delayed New research has uncovered a population […]...
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Permit to destroy rare grassland rejected

NEWS 3 June 2022 | In a victory as rare as the Spiny Riceflower, the Grassy Plains Network has saved an endangered grassland from destruction! Last Friday, the Grassy Plains […]...
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Promises smashed

PARK WATCH Article June 2022 | VicForests are unleashed in the Wombat Forest, cutting up the proposed national park, writes Executive Director Matt Ruchel.  Last year we welcomed the Andrews...
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Logging Greater Glider homes

PARK WATCH Article June 2022 | As VicForests log the Wombat Forest, we release new monitoring results showing these areas are habitat to already threatened Greater Gliders, writes Executive Director...
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