
Protect our critically endangered grasslands

The grassy plains that once covered a third of Victoria were home to Bettongs, Eastern Quolls and Pig-footed Bandicoots. They shared these native prairies with White-footed Rabbit-rats and Eastern...
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Time to list feral deer as a pest

Feral deer destroy shrubs, ringbark trees, trample rainforests, wallow in wetlands, wreck orchardsd vineyards,d they’re a hazard on our roads. The state government’s recent East, West...
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End the state ban on marine protection

Victoria created the world’s first network of protected marine areas in 2002. The community pushed hard for 13 marine ground-breaking national parks and 11 sanctuaries. For twenty years...
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Contacting your representatives

Contacting your representatives about issues of concern has a significant impact.

You can email, write a letter, call, visit their offices, or message them on social media.

Here are some resources to help you.

Huge community gathering at Wilsons Prom sends a clear message to government, our parks are not for sale. Photo: Martin B

Contacting your representatives

Contacting your representatives about issues of concern has a significant impact.

You can email, write a letter, call, visit their offices, or message them on social media.

Here are some resources to help you.
