The winds of change

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Marine Campaigner Shannon Hurley elaborates on why whales and clean energy have a lot more in common than many people realise We need a fast […]...
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Terminal diagnosis

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Shannon Hurley explains that with the rejection of the offshore wind terminal at Hastings, now is the perfect time to adopt a new plan for […]...
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Logging in the shadows

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Ben Gill, Nature Conservation campaigner, investigates community forestry and forest produce licences The State Government’s 2023 decision to end native forest...
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Victorian national parks creation on a go slow

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | The Government is taking far too long to create promised new national parks, says Matt Ruchel, Executive Director The Allan Government argues it takes time […]...
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Frogs, bogs and laws that do their jobs

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Jessie Borrelle, Digital Engagement & Communications Manager, looks at the glaring shortcomings with our environmental laws Once upon a time there was a frog. A...
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How strategic are strategic assessments?

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Grassy Plains Coordinator, Adrian Marshall, assesses strategic assessments There is lots of talk around the reform of Australia’s national nature laws, the...
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State of our grasslands

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Adrian Marshall, Grassy Plains Coordinator, on the recommendations of the latest State of the Environment report The Allan Government must do more to protect...
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Top dog needs protection

PARK WATCH Article September 2023 | Australian Dingo Foundation Director, Melinda Browning, calls for an end to killings Dingoes on public land Dingoes (Canis dingo) are currently being killed to...
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