Call the minister: don’t let VicForests pulp our promised park

Your voice is incredibly important. Use it to call out VicForests. Under the guise of  ‘salvage logging’ rules, VicForests is expanding logging in the proposed Wombat-Lerderderg National...
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They can bring wildlife back from the brink of extinction

UPDATED 9 May 2022 | Can you imagine finding an Eastern Quoll in your garden shed? Or a Regent Honeyeater visiting your window sill? Or at the beach, a Hooded […]...
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Bring our wildlife back from the brink!

Our native animals and natural places are part of what makes Victoria the place to be. But within a few generations, once-common animals and plants have all but disappeared. The Ecosystem Decline...
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Protect our alpine habitat from NSW feral horses!

TAKE ACTION 26 October 2021 | NSW’s draft horse management plan aims to protect a large population of ‘heritage’ horses in Kosciuszko National Park along the NSW border with Victoria....
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Worst move for national parks in decades

TAKE ACTION | The Victorian Government plans to hand over control of some of our most iconic national parks along the Great Ocean Road to a new tourism-driven authority....
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