PARK WATCH Article March 2025 |

Tucked away in a project status update in late 2024 was a big win. For the Victorian Alps, for equitable access to public lands and all those who have campaigned long and hard to protect Victoria’s high country.

The glamping huts that Parks Victoria (PV) proposed as part of the deeply unpopular Falls to Hotham development have been shelved, for now. PV’s own documents say the project won’t include all 80 overnight accommodation huts and infrastructure as part of the construction, but they do remain in the master plan.

There will now only be one communal non-sleeping shelter at High Knob and a new toilet block, but also tent platforms where there weren’t any and hardening of existing tracks.

PV’s consultation report found that:

There were high levels of concern raised from participants about the project. These concerns related to potential impacts on the environment, the project not aligning with the purpose of national parks, over visitation, concerns about the community consultation process, the potential cost to stay in the huts.

Such developments are deeply unpopular. Some 78 per cent of Australians reject the commercialisation of our parks and protected areas.

Wins like this don’t happen by accident. They happen due to people speaking up for nature, parks and protected areas. So, thank you if you sent in letters, submissions or spoke to your local MPs about this disastrous idea! Special mention must go to the late and great Phil Ingamells and Dr Michael Feller who worked long and hard for protecting the integrity of the Victorian Alps.

VNPA is still concerned the glamping huts remain in the master plan and could be revived at the signing of a cheque. We’ve requested PV amend the plan to remove the huts entirely.

For now, Victoria’s precious high country Snow Gums and Alpine bogs can breathe a sigh of relief. We’ll continue as a community to advocate for a more ecological and equitable approach to development and walking trails across the Alps.