
Check out VNPA’s great resources for primary and secondary schools including:

  • Nature-based activities for primary school kids
  • Ways to get your class involved in Victoria’s largest marine citizen science event, the Great Victorian Fish Count
  • Resources relevant to Units 1-4 in VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies, including the Little Desert dispute, Alpine Grazing and Victoria’s marine protection story
  • How your school can support VNPA.

The Great Victorian Fish Count

Your class could get out and be marine biologists for the day on the Great Victorian Fish Count. This annual citizen science event provides wonderful opportunities to experience the marine environment and provide real scientific data. There are also a range of ways to get students involved back in the classroom.  For all the details on how to get involved, check out the flyer.

More information on the Great Victorian Fish Count.


Nature-based activities

For additional fun nature-based activities for primary school aged children, visit our Wild Families page which includes a range of activities sheets suitable for groups of adults and kids, with children up to 12 years. They include:

  • nature-based activities that can be done in most places (e.g. discover what is living on a log),
  • fun places to discover nature,
  • feature creatures,
  • ways to care for nature.

Great Victorian Fish Count

Your class could get out and be marine biologists for the day on the Great Victorian Fish Count. This annual citizen science event provides wonderful opportunities to experience the marine environment and provide real scientific data. There are also a range of ways to get students involved back in the classroom.  For all the details on how to get involved, check out this flyer.

More information on the Great Victorian Fish Count.


Resources for VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies, Units 1-4

Below is a range of resources for students and teachers studying Units 1-4 in VCE Outdoors and Environmental Studies including resources on the Little Desert dispute, cattle grazing, marine protected areas and the Great Forest National Park campaign.

See resources from a range of historic and current VNPA campaigns.


Little Desert

  • Listen to the Little Desert podcast here. Learn about the strong social campaign throughout the 1960s that lead to the creation of the Little Desert National Park, which had lasting impacts on Victoria’s approach to conservation. Listening to the Little Desert Podcast, students can explore how early environmental movements pushed for the protection of the Little Desert and how these movements led to the development of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council. Students can also investigate the Traditional Custodians’ approach to land management, and uncover the importance of the Little Desert’s broader ecology and current management challenges.
  • Timeline and story of the Little Desert dispute, Park Watch, March 2018, pages 19-21.
  • A Short History of the VNPA ‘VNPA Conservation Journeys’, including section 2.5 on the Little Desert dispute and chapter 3 on the formation of the Land Conservation Council.


Cattle Grazing in the Alpine National Park


Marine Protected Areas


Great Forest National Park

To learn about the campaign for a Great Forest National Park, see:


Nature, wellbeing and mental health


Other resources for school teachers and students

Search our website and check out back issues of Park Watch for further useful resources on other issues such as:

  • different outdoor environments including grasslands, forests, marine, coastal and wetlands;
  • recreational users understanding of specific outdoor environments;
  • types of parks and reserves;
  • issues such as fire, climate change and invasive species; and
  • getting out in to nature.

There are many ways your school can support VNPA

For information about supporting VNPA please email [email protected] or call 03 9341 6500

Caitlin Griffith, Manager, Community Learning and Engagment