
Our Communities Listening to Nature project used automated sound recorders to monitor birds in their natural environments. The recorders allowed us to record bird calls at many sites over long time periods. With local groups, we installed recorders at several locations, including Mount Worth State Park and its surrounding district, Bunyip State Park, Wombat State Forest, the Mount Alexander region and Brisbane Ranges National Park.  Each location had its own study design, which was developed with input from the local group and land managers, and scientists from Museums Victoria. For more details on each project location please see the project reports below.

Communities Listening for Nature was carried out in partnership with Museums Victoria. The recordings from these projects have been added to the public library of Victorian bird sounds managed by Museums Victoria and is available to everyone from their online collections.

Methods learned in this program have been continued into new NatureWatch wildlife monitoring programs in Bunyip State Park and the area of the proposed Great Forest National Park.

This project is kindly supported by the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust.





Read all about the Communities Listening to Nature project in the four-page feature ‘Sing Out’ in the March 2020 edition of our Park Watch magazine.

Read here

And watch (and listen!) to this video from the Mount Alexander Region project – ‘Why we should listen to nature’.


Caption: Mount Worth
Caption: Wombat State Forest
Caption: Mount Alexander Region
Caption: Brisbane Ranges
Caption: Bunyip State Forest