Put space in the right place

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Julia Peacock, Nature Advocate at the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, reports that an emerging industry threatens protected areas in the state Currently...
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Cobaws rogue loggers exploiting loopholes

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Nature conservation campaigner Ben Gill reports that while all is quiet on the Wombat Forest front, rogue logging has shifted to the Cobaws. The […]...
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Mt Cole: Where have all the flowers gone?

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | The government needs to live up to its promise of creating new central west national parks, says Nature Conservation Campaigner Blake Nisbet. Anniversaries are...
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Salvage logging is forest destruction

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel asks if rogue logging will become the next forest-eating monster now we’ve (almost) banished VicForests Due to the impact...
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Restoration or conversion?

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Jordan Crook questions the value to the environment and the taxpayer of proposed flood plain alterations along the Murray River  The Victorian Murray Floodplain...
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Getting fire right

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Misinformation is rife in debates about fire management in Victoria. It must be challenged, says Phil Ingamells For years now, VNPA has been critical of […]...
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Next steps to save the Western Grassland Reserve

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Land acquisition has failed to obtain the best bits of the Western Grassland Reserve. That has to change. It’s time for some big thinking, says […]...
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The other housing crisis: Failing to protect hollow-bearing trees

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Bushfire management in Victoria is causing biodiversity decline through significant loss of hollow-bearing trees reports Michael Feller The Victorian Parliament’s...
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The Phascogales and the phantom logger

PARK WATCH Article March 2023 | Nature Conservation Campaigner Ben Gill encounters cute critters and menacing machines whilst investigating dubious logging practices in the Cobaw State Forest An...
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