Great Ocean Road parks face a wobbly take-over bid

PARK WATCH September 2019 | There are real visitor management problems along the Great Ocean Road, but is the proposed self-funded ‘Coast and Parks Authority’ just a bizarre brainstorm fix?...
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A dozen good reasons for new national parks in the central west of Victoria

PARK WATCH September 2019 | Right now the Andrews Government has a fantastic opportunity to do our state proud by creating much-needed new national parks for the protection of our forests […]...
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How to spot your dragon

PARK WATCH September 2019 | Our ReefWatch Coordinator Kade Mills invites you on a quest in our newest marine citizen science project. How well do you know your state emblems? You […]...
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What (and where) is the Great Southern Reef?

PARK WATCH September 2019 | ReefWatch Project Officer Nicole Mertens takes us for a dive with a temperate twist. Our other reef There is no denying the cultural, environmental and economic benefits...
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Caring for parks – by the numbers

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Nature is facing unprecedented pressure – and our national parks are the foundation of efforts to protect it. VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel explains the value...
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Victoria – state of nature decline

PARK WATCH June 2019 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel examines the third Victorian State of the Environment report released in March 2019 – and finds it presents a fairly grim […]...
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The wonders of Wombat Forest

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Our Naturewatch program’s Coordinator Sera Blair shares the tremendous halfway results of our Caught on Camera project. One of the reasons we love Wombat Forest and...
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Zombie western forest agreements

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Regulatory relics getting a polish up? The controversial Regional Forest Agreements are being reviewed. But will it lead to better outcomes for Victoria’s forests?  The...
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Compare the pair

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Parks Victoria’s well-considered Draft Barmah Wetland Strategy outclasses the Environment and Resources Departments’ non-committal Draft Deer Strategy by a mile, says VNPA...
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Victoria’s Western Grassland Reserves failure

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Ian Penna writes about what hasn’t happened in the past ten years. The Western Grassland Reserves were proposed to protect “the largest remaining concentration of volcanic...
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