Going the full ten rounds for Box-Ironbark forests

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Twenty years on, Charlie Sherwin reflects on the long campaign to protect Victoria’s Box-Ironbark forests Sitting quietly in the twilight dew with a small...
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Postcards from the Bay

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Nature Conservation Campaigner Shannon Hurley on the latest developments in the bold plan to protect Western Port Bay. A recent good news story from […]...
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Malleefowl monitoring

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Mick Webster says volunteering for the Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Group is good fun and great exercise As a confirmed non-birder, I must admit to […]...
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Put space in the right place

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Julia Peacock, Nature Advocate at the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, reports that an emerging industry threatens protected areas in the state Currently...
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Cobaws rogue loggers exploiting loopholes

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | Nature conservation campaigner Ben Gill reports that while all is quiet on the Wombat Forest front, rogue logging has shifted to the Cobaws. The […]...
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Mt Cole: Where have all the flowers gone?

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | The government needs to live up to its promise of creating new central west national parks, says Nature Conservation Campaigner Blake Nisbet. Anniversaries are...
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Salvage logging is forest destruction

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel asks if rogue logging will become the next forest-eating monster now we’ve (almost) banished VicForests Due to the impact...
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Rogue logging in Cobaw Forest, February 2023 (Ben Gill).

Rogue logging our special places

Rogue logging is destroying vulnerable areas of our protected parks and reserves. Under the guise of ‘storm clean up’ and ‘fire management’, invaluable forests are being trashed and sold for...
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