A short walk in Little Desert National Park. Parks Victoria should be promoting short walks across the state, not spending millions on unnessary infrastructure in highly sensitive areas, to service a very small 'market'. Photo: Phil Ingamells

Who’s in charge?

PARK WATCH March 2018 | The tourism industry is assuming control of our national parks. Phil Ingamells looks at two cases where things are going awry. The Mount Buffalo land […]...
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A smooth toadfish in Port Phillip Bay

Authority-mad government blinks on marine

PARK WATCH March 2018 | The marine and coastal bill is a missed opportunity to reform marine and coastal planning in Victoria, writes Chris Smyth. Victoria is awash with statutory […]...
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Hundreds of protesters gathered in 2014 to save Point Nepean. Photo: Courtesy Matthew Mackay, Inner Light Photography

Point Nepean Saga: Drawing to a close?

PARK WATCH March 2018 | The release of the Andrews Government’s final master plan for Point Nepean National Park is welcome, says Chris Smyth. Are we there yet? That has […]...
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A rainbow bee-eater exiting a nesting burrow in the Little Desert. Photo: Ian Morgan, from 'Birds and Plants of the Little Desert'

Lessons from the Little Desert

PARK WATCH March 2018 | Michael Howes shares the story of Victoria’s Little Desert and how it became a national park. The desert that isn’t Situated 375 kilometres west of […]...
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Regional Forest Agreements extended

NEWS 27 March 2018 | Yesterday we called on the Andrews Government to publicly rule out logging of national parks.  Today our state and federal governments announced a two-year extension of...
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Photo: Jenny Fawcett, Flickr | CC

Groups call for removal of racehorses from Belfast Coastal Reserve plan

MEDIA RELEASE 15 March 2018 | As the deadline for submissions on the draft Belfast Coastal Reserve management plan nears, national, state and local environment groups have called on the […]...
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Vale Eileen McKee

The Victorian National Parks Association council, members, volunteers and staff were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mrs Eileen Margery McKee, aged 95. Eileen was VNPA’s first paid...
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Alpine Marsh Marigold. Photo: Colin Totterdell

Relief for the Alpine National Park in sight

NEWS 21 February 2018 | We are yet to see results from Parks Victoria’s consultation on its plan to increase action on the thousands of feral horses trampling the Alpine […]...
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