PARK WATCH Article September 2024 |

Eva Galasso is a young nudibranch enthusiast who regularly heads out sea slugging with VNPA’s ReefWatch team

Nudibranchs! Or as they’re more commonly known, sea slugs. They really are truly marvellous, fascinating and beautiful creatures. Hi! I’m Eva, I’m 14-years-old and I love marine life (especially invertebrates).

When I say my favourite sea creature is a sea slug (or nudibranch) people tend to look a little confused, but when I show them a picture, they often look amazed and curious. I’ve even had some friends who have come along to the sea slug census with us. Occasionally, I come across people who are also interested in sea slugs (other than at the sea slug census). One day I was helping out at a science school holiday program and I was wearing my sea slug t-shirt when one of the Prep kids walked up to me and pointed at my shirt and exclaimed, ‘SEA SLUGS!’. I was surprised, impressed and excited.

I first found out about sea slugs in 2022, when we were on a family holiday in Eden. We were exploring the rock pools when I saw a colourful moving blob. I thought it was beautiful. Intrigued, I wanted to learn more.

When we got back to Melbourne we found the sea slug census! I really love going to the sea slug census events, it’s so much fun. As well as sea slugs you can find so many other things: octopuses, sea stars, crabs, other marine molluscs, small fish and stingrays. Once we even found a Blue Ring Octopus!

I remember when I found my first sea slug; I was so happy. It’s also really inspiring to see the experts in their field. I love learning about nudibranchs and they have also made their way into my art. My latest drawing was of a Mexichromis macropus.

The sea slug census is now a regular activity in our family. We all really enjoy it and I highly recommend you check it out!