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Autumn Sea Slug Census


It's time to head out for a rockpool ramble, snorkel or scuba dive and search for sea slugs! If you snap a photo of a sea slug anywhere on the […]

Sea Slug Census at San Remo – 11:30 am

San Remo

Join us as we search for sea slugs under the bridge at San Remo! This event takes rockpooling to the next level. You'll also see other amazing animals, like hermit […]

RSVP Now Free 31 spots left

Sea Slug Census at San Remo – 1 pm

San Remo

Join us as we search for sea slugs under the bridge at San Remo! This event takes rockpooling to the next level. You'll also see other amazing animals, like hermit […]

RSVP Now Free 48 spots left