The promised grasslands of the never never

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: A new bill that highlights the failure of decade old efforts to protect critically endangered grassland from urban growth is being debated in the Victorian upper house on […]...
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Backyard Bandicoots

PARK WATCH December 2019 | Our NatureWatch Coordinator Sera Blair introduces us to our native neighbours. This summer our NatureWatch program’s new project ‘Backyard Bandicoots’ will...
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Victorians rally for nature protection

MEDIA RELEASE 28 November 2019 | Today 12pm-1pm more than 40 local community groups from across the state join state and national environment groups on the steps of Victorian Parliament to call...
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Nature for Life Action Plan

As Victoria’s biodiversity continues to rapidly decline, habitats become more stressed, species become more threatened and the climate crisis escalates, we need a comprehensive policy response...
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Details of Andrews Government forest announcement

Here we go into the detail about some of the Andrews Government’s forest announcement. You can read our overview, including of the other commitments, on this page. More detail on […]...
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A blue print for our blue commons

PARK WATCH September 2019 | VNPA’s Nature Conservation Campaigner Shannon Hurley gives an overview of Victoria’s ongoing marine and coastal reforms. Our seas and shores support all life, and...
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Feral horses end up in court

PARK WATCH September 2019 | VNPA’s Parks Protection campaigner Phil Ingamells reports from the Federal Court, where the Australian Brumby Alliance was challenging Parks Victoria’s alpine...
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