Friends with co-benefits

PARK WATCH Article June 2022 | Nature conservation and climate action can work together for better outcomes for both, explains Nature Conservation Officer Elizabeth Morison. It’s time for an update...
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Nature not a priority in 2022 Victorian state budget

NEWS 3 May 2022 | You’ll find nature close to the bottom of the list in this year’s Victorian state budget. The health of our natural areas, and the wildlife […]...
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A real vision for iconic Western Port Woodlands

Update: Public submissions closed at 5pm on Friday 29 April 2023. Recognising the importance of the Western Port Woodlands Recently an important draft policy on the future vision for the […]...
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They’re logging your promised national park

If a tree falls in the Wombat Forest, Gayle Osborne of Wombat Forestcare will hear it. In the last few days, she's heard and seen some disturbing activity....
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Call the minister: don’t let VicForests pulp our promised park

Your voice is incredibly important. Use it to call out VicForests. Under the guise of  ‘salvage logging’ rules, VicForests is expanding logging in the proposed Wombat-Lerderderg National...
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Yarra Ranges National Park thrown under the mountain bike

PARK WATCH Article March 2022 | Poorly planned tracks should not be allowed to fragment wildlife habitat and dilute nature protection, says Campaigner Jordan Crook.   The prime purpose of […]...
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