Grassy talk and GPN meeting – Plains-wanderer conservation from patch to landscape scale


The Plains-wanderer is an elusive and remarkable icon of the grasslands, and Dan Nugent knows more about them than almost anyone. Dr Dan is a reserve manager and ecologist working at Bush Heritage Australia in central Victoria. He’s spent the last 15 years working in ecological restoration and conservation research across Victoria. Since 2019, he’s […]


Grassy Talk and GPN meeting – Trends in grassland protection


Trust for Nature has been instrumental in protecting thousands of hectares of grassland across Victoria, and Doug Robinson is their Chief Conservation Scientist. In this next Grassy Talk in the Grassy Plains Network's ongoing series, Doug will distill his considerable experience of the major changes that have occurred in our approaches to the vital task […]

Grassy talk and GPN meeting – Metro’s rail grasslands


Melbourne’s rail corridors include some massively important grasslands. This month's Grassy Talk from the Grassy Plains Network is by Ben Roberts from Metro Trains. He’ll be telling us how Metro is implementing their Biodiversity Management Plan, caring for the many grassland biosites they’re responsible for, and updating us on an exciting direct seeding trial happening […]


Grassy talk and GPN meeting – ‘Inch flora’!


This month's Grassy Talk from the Grassy Plains Network is by Prof. John Morgan – and we're excited! John is one of Australia's leading grassland ecologists. He'll be talking about a favourite subject of his – 'inch flora' – the tiny, glorious plants less than a few cm high that are vital to our grassy […]


Webinar – Protecting our legacy trees


Come along to our webinar on how we can keep big, old, hollow-bearing trees in the forest and across our landscapes. Our new protecting our living legacies report documents how public land managers can better care for our trees on public land, especially large, old, or hollow-bearing trees. Big old trees are some of the […]

Rock the Victorian Volcanic Plain – Grassy Talk and Grassy Plains Network meeting


Emeritus Professor John Webb from La Trobe University will reveal what lies underneath our great grassy land – the geology and geomorphology of the Victorian Volcanic Plain. Cue stony rises, lava flows and heavy clay soils! His talk with be followed by our monthly Grassy Plains Network meeting. Join using the link below. Zoom Link […]


Grassy talk and GPN meeting – Grassy Eucalypt Woodland


This month's Grassy Talk from the Grassy Plains Network is by Ben Cullen. Ben will tell us about Grassy Eucalypt Woodland and the issues surrounding its protection, particularly in Melbourne's north as part of the Melbourne Strategic Assessment. Ben oversees Trust for Nature's conservation initiatives in the Port Phillip and Western Port region of Victoria. […]


Grassland pollinators – Grassy Talk and Grassy Plains Network meeting


Allison Menzies will give us the buzz on pollination in our grasslands – from forester moths to flower wasps, small black beetles to leafcutter bees. Her current Latrobe Uni Masters project is looking at invertebrate pollinators of five key floral plants at Illabarook Grassland Flora Reserve. Her talk with be followed by our usual monthly […]


The future of Victoria’s native forests – a public symposium


This public symposium will explore options and issues for securing the future of Victoria's native forests. We will convene scientists, land managers and First Nations expertise to explore and discuss perspectives informed by scholarship, cultural practices and ecological values. These researchers, policy makers and knowledge holders will address bushfire prevention, recovering threatened species, sustaining human […]

The future of Victoria’s native forests – a public symposium


This public symposium will explore options and issues for securing the future of Victoria's native forests. We will convene scientists, land managers and First Nations expertise to explore and discuss perspectives informed by scholarship, cultural practices and ecological values. These researchers, policy makers and knowledge holders will address bushfire prevention, recovering threatened species, sustaining human […]