PARK WATCH Article June 2022 | As VicForests log the Wombat Forest, we release new monitoring results showing these areas are habitat to already threatened Greater Gliders, writes Executive Director...
Destroying habitat, risking nativeildlife and the biosecurity of the Yarra Ranges National Park contradicts the National Parks Act. But that’shat the Yarra Ranges Council is planning. They...
NEWS 16 December 2021 | The Victorian State of the Environment (SOE) Biodiversity Update 2021 Report was released this week. In short, the report only reinforces the need for more […]...
NEWS 7 September 2021 | Today is national Threatened Species Day. Observed every year on the anniversary of the extinction of the marsupial known as Kaparunina to Traditional Owners – […]...
Stop them undermining our wildlife protection and democracy The Victorian Government are once again attempting to dilute the already weak and unenforced rules we have for protecting our...
The 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires burnt more than 1.25 million hectares of forest across eastern Victoria, killing millions of wildlife. A year on, the animals and plants spared from the […]...
MEDIA RELEASE 23 February 2021 | A new report showing analysis of maps and data from the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires has revealed the significant areas of unburnt forests critical […]...
BREAKING: We’ve discovered Powerful Owls living in the native forests of Mt. Cole for the first time in decades. But VicForests are still logging the habitat trees they call home. […]...