Time to list feral deer as a pest

Feral deer destroy shrubs, ringbark trees, trample rainforests, wallow in wetlands, wreck orchardsd vineyards,d they’re a hazard on our roads. The state government’s recent East, West...
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Time for feral horses to leave the Alpine National Park alone

MEDIA RELEASE 26 March 2021 | Conservation groups back plans for action on feral horses in the Alpine National Park. These hard-hooved grazers are wrecking the park’s highly vulnerable alpine peat...
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Victoria’s Deer “Strategy”

PARK WATCH December 2020 | It has taken two years, but the state government’s final strategy to control Victoria’s million-strong deer invasion has at last been released....
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Federal Court backs national park protection

PARK WATCH June 2020 | A Federal Court judge has ruled that Parks Victoria is free to continue a cull of feral horses in the Alpine National Park. It’s a […]...
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Skinny feral horse. Photo: Federation students

Feral horses in national parks

Hard-hooved animals are not native to Australia, and many of our native plants and animals are threatened by their impacts. Feral horses, pigs, goats, camels and deer are now found […]...
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