
The central west national parks must be legislated now. Will you give today?

In June 2021 the Victorian Government promised to create new national parks in the central west.

But no legislation has been seen. Instead, logging continues in the Wombat and Mt Cole forests. These beautiful, significant forests and the wildlife that depend on them are left vulnerable.

Providing the protection these forests need is now beyond urgent.

Parts of the central west should already be protected from logging in national parks. But they aren’t.

The promised Wombat-Lerderderg, Mount Buangor, and the Pyrenees national parks, and other reserves including the Wellsford Regional Park near Bendigo, have not been created.

And Greater Gliders, Powerful Owls and other threatened plants and wildlife are at risk. Right Now.

That’s why we need your help.

How to donate:

  • Donate online using the form on this page
  • Phone the team on 03 9341 6500

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible. ABN: 34 217 717 593

For assistance, please call us on 03 9341 6500 or email [email protected]

Thank you for your gift to nature.