The future of 1.8 million hectares of our native forests is being decided right now. We have a unique chance to push for the highest protections.

Together we’ve closed the door on native forest logging, but the window for exploitation is still open. Our wild places still aren’t safe. But they would be in national parks and protected areas.



Your tax-deductible donation will help:

  • Persuade decision-makers to support new and expanded national parks.
  • Work with Traditional Owners and local communities to mobilise support.
  • Survey priority areas to discover natural values that help make the case for protection.
  • Counter opposition from short-term interests.
  • Engage and inspire more supporters to join the push for new and better parks.

National parks benefit our mental and physical health. They support the living web of life. When a passionate community defends them, they protect whole habitats forever. This is true protection – for life!

Parks for life webinar


Please support the push for new and expanded national parks.

Learn more about the opportunities here.

The Victorian National Parks Association is a registered charity that relies on donations to carry out important work to protect nature for future generations. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. ABN 34 217 717 593.