Clear blue skies and cool mountain air welcomed 400 committed conservationists to the Mt Donna Buang summit on the weekend as we formed a giant human sign spelling out support […]...
PARK WATCH March 2017 | Matt Ruchel, member of the Forest Industry Task Force and VNPA Executive Director, explains why sawmills and the pulp and paper industry don’t understand how […]...
NEWS 28 March 2017 | The much-neglected but loved forests of central west Victoria, including the Wombat, Wellsford, Mt Cole and Pyrenees Range forests, will lie at the heart of […]...
Forest and woodlands on public land in the west of the state (roughly west of the Hume Highway) are fragmented remnants of bush, often surrounded by a sea of cleared […]...
The struggle to protect our national parks and other conservation areas has ramped up in Victoria. The logging industry is pushing harder than ever to gain even more access to […]...
An independent scientific assessment into the conservation value of Victoria’s most-loved tall forests reveals almost half are unprotected and open to logging. The report debunks industry myths...
The story of the conservation movement in Victoria is rich in moral courage, passion, and dogged persistence. It’s a story of debates, decades of protests and public meetings, and generations...
Ingenuity, passion, commitment. They’re the hallmarks of so many people defending our parks and nature. In this edition of Park Watch we explore the threats of hard-hoofed animals munching,...
MEDIA RELEASE 26 February 2016 | More than 350 volunteer citizen scientists donned masks and snorkels to record fish species at 44 sites along Victoria’s coastline as part of the […]...