Living giants

PARK WATCH June 2021 | Up in the mountains, giants can still be found. They have stood in place for hundreds and hundreds of years. Jordan Crook shares their story. […]...
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The Prom needs a plan

PARK WATCH June 2021 | A lot of good things are flagged for Wilsons Promontory National Park, but without a current management plan there is no clear framework for decisions, […]...
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Time to rethink fire

PARK WATCH June 2021 | Evidence against Victoria’s fuel reduction program is clear, yet burns are increasing. Calls for a pause and re-assessment of fire management are growing louder, says...
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World Environment Day: Recreate, Reimagine & Restore

TAKE ACTION | The theme for 2021’s World Environment Day is Ecosystem Restoration: Recreate. Reimagine. Restore.  Despite once again spending it in lockdown, we’ve highlighted three...
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