Big trees in big trouble

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | Campaigner Jordan Crook gives us a sneak peek into our upcoming report on the fate of Victoria’s living giants....
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Balancing on the edge of extinction

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | Executive Director Matt Ruchel says it is time to stop the decline and start recovery. ...
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Fire break shenanigans

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | As Victoria embarks on a truly massive fuel break construction program, the justifications for it are wearing thin, says Phil Ingamells....
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A new find

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | Central west parks creation legislation drags as a new species is found in Wombat Forest, writes Executive Director Matt Ruchel....
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Our forests: key to a safe climate future

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | Nature Conservation Officer Elizabeth Morison explains how the latest IPCC report applies to Victoria....
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They can bring wildlife back from the brink of extinction

UPDATED 9 May 2022 | Can you imagine finding an Eastern Quoll in your garden shed? Or a Regent Honeyeater visiting your window sill? Or at the beach, a Hooded […]...
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Park Watch September 2021

In this special feature edition of Park Watch, we go in-depth on the Victorian Government's commitment to create new national parks in Victoria's central west....
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Big trees – little protection

PARK WATCH September 2021 | The proposed changes to the Code of Timber Production include adding new protections for large trees in Victoria, writes Campaigner Jordan Crook.  The Environment...
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Clearfelling the Code

PARK WATCH September 2021 | Executive Director Matt Ruchel and Nature Conservation Campaigner Jordan Crook explain how changes to logging laws are bad news for forests and very bad news […]...
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