A coppicing spotted gum stump that will regrow to be harvested again.

The nature of wood

PARK WATCH June 2018 | As winter descends, are you one of many conflicted about sourcing firewood to heat your home? Ben Boxshall, land manager, forestry practitioner and a member […]...
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A sambar stag enjoying a bath in one of the Alpine National Parks national and state listed peatbeds.

Dealing with deer

PARK WATCH June 2018 | Victoria’s deer management strategy can and should include real answers to the deer problem, says Phil Ingamells. Deer are creating havoc in our natural areas. […]...
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Mount Feathertop is Victoria’s only freestanding mountain of any magnitude, and so far it has remainned largely untouched. Tourism plans for a series of luxury cabins and a group lodge on the peak’s Diamantina Spur, serviced daily by helicopters, have little public support

Where’s the line?

PARK WATCH June 2018 | Planning rules for tourism and other visitor infrastructure in public land are largely absent, and guidelines are increasingly ignored where they do exist, reports Phil...
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The Great Tree Project

PARK WATCH June 2018 | Karena Goldfinch is one of the Knitting Nannas of Toolangi, a group of women peacefully and creatively protesting against the destruction of our beautiful native […]...
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Humpback whale sighting in Bass Strait

Whale hello there!

PARK WATCH June 2018 | David Donnelly, marine researcher and manager of Killer Whales Australia tells us how to have a whale of a time this winter. Victoria’s coastline is […]...
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A shocking sight: this platypus struggled to escape this opera house net before drowning. This is just one of many such cruel deaths. Photo: DELWP

How can we allow platypuses to drown in Victoria?

PARK WATCH March 2018 | Doug Gimesy (conservation and wildlife photographer) and Josh Griffiths (wildlife ecologist) shed light on the tragic but largely avoidable deaths of an iconic species. The...
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A short walk in Little Desert National Park. Parks Victoria should be promoting short walks across the state, not spending millions on unnessary infrastructure in highly sensitive areas, to service a very small 'market'. Photo: Phil Ingamells

Who’s in charge?

PARK WATCH March 2018 | The tourism industry is assuming control of our national parks. Phil Ingamells looks at two cases where things are going awry. The Mount Buffalo land […]...
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A smooth toadfish in Port Phillip Bay

Authority-mad government blinks on marine

PARK WATCH March 2018 | The marine and coastal bill is a missed opportunity to reform marine and coastal planning in Victoria, writes Chris Smyth. Victoria is awash with statutory […]...
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Hundreds of protesters gathered in 2014 to save Point Nepean. Photo: Courtesy Matthew Mackay, Inner Light Photography

Point Nepean Saga: Drawing to a close?

PARK WATCH March 2018 | The release of the Andrews Government’s final master plan for Point Nepean National Park is welcome, says Chris Smyth. Are we there yet? That has […]...
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A rainbow bee-eater exiting a nesting burrow in the Little Desert. Photo: Ian Morgan, from 'Birds and Plants of the Little Desert'

Lessons from the Little Desert

PARK WATCH March 2018 | Michael Howes shares the story of Victoria’s Little Desert and how it became a national park. The desert that isn’t Situated 375 kilometres west of […]...
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