Mowing the trees instead of the grass

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | Blake Nisbet, Nature Conservation Campaigner, on how Forest Fire Management Victoria is exacerbating a housing crisis for endangered wildlife Back in 1995, Victoria had...
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An A to Z of Australian plants

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | Book review: Plantabulous! More A to Z of Australian Plants, Catherine Clowes. Illustrated by Rachel Gyan CSIRO Publishing, 2024, 64pp, ISBN 9781486317202 Pitched as...
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Explorer’s Corner: Bush hygiene

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | Advice on keeping our natural places free of unwanted nasties Let’s talk about outdoor hygiene. No, not how to stop smelly feet after getting […]...
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Storytime in the deep blue sea

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | Book review: Oceans at Night, by Vanessa Pirotta. Illustrated by Cindy Lane CSIRO Publishing, 2024, 32pp, ISBN 9781486317233 Books about the underwater world are...
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Parks for life quiz

PARK WATCH Article June 2024 | When was the Alpine National Park created? a) 1967 b) 2001 c) 1989 d) 1904 How many marine national parks do we have in […]...
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Slaughter of native waterbirds to continue

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Parks and Nature Campaigner, Jordan Crook, says 29 January 2024 will go down as a very bad day for wildlife and wetlands across Victoria Despite […]...
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How not to save a stonefly

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Blake Nisbet, Nature Conservation Campaigner, with good and bad news for the MDBW Stonefly Almost a year ago, VNPA launched a bid seeking the protection […]...
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The winds of change

PARK WATCH Article March 2024 | Marine Campaigner Shannon Hurley elaborates on why whales and clean energy have a lot more in common than many people realise We need a fast […]...
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