Hunting in parks no job for amateurs

Amateur deer hunters are calling for more access to our national parks, claiming they would help control the damage deer cause and bolster regional economies. But would they? Firstly, let’s...
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Hoodie chicks are tiny, and dwarfed by the heavy hooves of racehorses. Without protection they don't stand a chance against racing thoroughbreds.

Government puts horses ahead of protecting our hoodies

Belfast Coastal Reserve near Warrnambool is the second most important breeding site on Victoria's coastline for the tiny Hooded Plover, listed as Vulnerable in Victoria and nationally....
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Belfast Coastal Reserve signage. Photo: Chris Smyth

Victorian Government backs racehorses over hoodies

MEDIA RELEASE 15 November 2018 | BirdLife Australia and the Victorian National Parks Association are appalled at the State Government’s decision to allow commercial horse training to continue...
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Racehorses tear up Belfast Coastal Reserve-Photo Chris Smyth

Racehorses tearing up fragile coastal reserve

MEDIA RELEASE 14 October 2016 | A fragile coastal reserve in South West Victoria is being torn up and invaded by racehorse trainers who are using conservation areas as ‘race […]...
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