Zombie western forest agreements

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Regulatory relics getting a polish up? The controversial Regional Forest Agreements are being reviewed. But will it lead to better outcomes for Victoria’s forests?  The...
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Compare the pair

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Parks Victoria’s well-considered Draft Barmah Wetland Strategy outclasses the Environment and Resources Departments’ non-committal Draft Deer Strategy by a mile, says VNPA...
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Victoria’s Western Grassland Reserves failure

PARK WATCH June 2019 | Ian Penna writes about what hasn’t happened in the past ten years. The Western Grassland Reserves were proposed to protect “the largest remaining concentration of volcanic...
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Westernport Bay at risk

PARK WATCH June 2019 | VNPA’S Shannon Hurley gives an update on the battle to save Westernport Bay against industrial development. AGL’s proposed ‘Crib Point Gas Import Terminal’ project...
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Alarm at Great Ocean Road national park land grab

MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday 4 June 2019 | Conservation groups are alarmed at plans for a new authority to take control of national parks along the Great Ocean Road. “A proposed […]...
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A sambar stag enjoying a bath in one of the Alpine National Parks national and state listed peatbeds.

Call for Andrews Government to act decisively on feral deer

MEDIA RELEASE 5 May 2019 | An open letter calling for a strong and effective feral deer management strategy for Victoria has been signed by over 90 Landcare organisations, leading […]...
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Protecting Barmah’s great wetlands

NEWS 9 April 2018 | Parks Victoria has released a draft Strategic Action Plan for Barmah National Park and the Barmah Forest Ramsar Site.  These are more-or less in the […]...
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Action on feral horses welcome

MEDIA RELEASE 5 April 2019 | Real action to control feral horses in Barmah National Park, Victoria’s greatest River Red Gum protected area, is very welcome. “It is now eight […]...
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Is it time to make national parks truly national?

What should be the role of the Australian Government in the management of our national parks and reserves? We know national parks and conservation areas are popular. Statewide polling consistently...
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