Alarm at Great Ocean Road national park land grab

MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday 4 June 2019 | Conservation groups are alarmed at plans for a new authority to take control of national parks along the Great Ocean Road. “A proposed […]...
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A sambar stag enjoying a bath in one of the Alpine National Parks national and state listed peatbeds.

Call for Andrews Government to act decisively on feral deer

MEDIA RELEASE 5 May 2019 | An open letter calling for a strong and effective feral deer management strategy for Victoria has been signed by over 90 Landcare organisations, leading […]...
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Action on feral horses welcome

MEDIA RELEASE 5 April 2019 | Real action to control feral horses in Barmah National Park, Victoria’s greatest River Red Gum protected area, is very welcome. “It is now eight […]...
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