Translate your love of the Prom into action

NEWS 5 July 2023 | Updated 12 July Shannon Hurley explains how you can help shape the next 15-20 years of an iconic park’s future. And why you should. I […]...
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Salvage logging is forest destruction

PARK WATCH Article June 2023 | VNPA Executive Director Matt Ruchel asks if rogue logging will become the next forest-eating monster now we’ve (almost) banished VicForests Due to the impact...
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Rogue logging in Cobaw Forest, February 2023 (Ben Gill).

Rogue logging our special places

Rogue logging is destroying vulnerable areas of our protected parks and reserves. Under the guise of ‘storm clean up’ and ‘fire management’, invaluable forests are being trashed and sold for...
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Deer action: an end to the chomping and stomping

NEWS 16 March 2023 | Page last updated: 16/3/2023 The federal government’s National Feral Deer Action Plan (2022-27) is a welcome step forward. But we need decisive action if we’re...
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New marine park the size of Germany

NEWS 7 March 2023 | Page last updated: 10/3/2023 Great news! The federal government will expand the Macquarie Island Marine Park. This is a clear sign they are serious about […]...
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Rare Button Wrinkleworts crushed in grassland disaster

NEWS 20 February 2023 | Page last updated: 21/02/2023 What is the best way to create a trail of destruction through a field of Spiny Rice-flowers, Button Wrinkleworts and Arching […]...
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