
Many people don’t know that significant parts of Victoria’s regional water supply depends on the health of these carbon-capturing forests.

New parks will protect significant headwaters of important rivers including the Moorabool, Werribee, Lerderderg, Maribyrnong, and Wimmera rivers.

As Victoria’s population increases and climate breakdown creates a warmer and drier climate, it is vital to protect forested headwaters

The recommendations of the VEAC investigation if enacted, would protect theses headwaters  and ensure their resilience from drying caused by climate breakdown and habitat fragmentation.

Maintaining undisturbed forested water catchments in good condition is vital to secure water resources.

As Victoria’s population increases and climate breakdown creates a warmer and drier climate, it is vital to protect forested headwaters and maintain secure water resources into the future.

The forested headwaters within the VEAC investigation also includes the Loddon, Campaspe and Coliban rivers.

Expert recommendations to create new national parks:

The VEAC recommendations include almost 60,000 hectares of new national park and reserves for the Mount Cole and Pyrenees Ranges (near Beaufort and Avoca), and the Wombat (near Daylesford) and Wellsford (near Bendigo) Forests. In addition 19,000 hectares of regional park allow almost all forms of recreation.

Under legislation, the Victorian Government was required to formally respond to the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Final Report, on the first sitting day six months after being tabled in Parliament. The VEAC report was tabled on 15 August 2019. Legally a response was required in the last sitting week of February 2020, and is now well overdue.

Image © Sandy Scheltema