Keen to get out and about with other nature lovers?

Our Activities Calendar includes everything from volunteer-led bushwalks and excursions to citizen science and nature-based learning. We also run special activities for young adults and for families with young kids. Find out more about our different programs.

Activities are added regularly so make sure to keep checking back in to see what’s new. And make sure to join the mailing list to be the first to hear about upcoming activities!

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*FULL* Kelp restoration snorkel – 11am

Ricketts Point

This snorkel is full! Please email Kade if you'd like to join the waitlist. Dive into an adventure at Port Phillip Bay’s kelp restoration site! Once barren because of an […]


*FULL* Overnight hike – Mt Cole

Mt Cole

This activity is fully booked! Head to our activities calendar to find another activity to join us on. Come along, enjoy the views and get into nature on this 21km […]

Grassy talks – Victoria’s savannah!


We often think of historical western Victoria as grasslands. But much of it was savannah, with many types of scattered trees, and not just Eucalypts. These woodlands have almost all […]

Autumn Sea Slug Census


It's time to head out for a rockpool ramble, snorkel or scuba dive and search for sea slugs! If you snap a photo of a sea slug anywhere on the […]

Nature Stewards – Knox course

Ferntree Gully

Keen to find ways to help nature? Meet other like-minded people? Come and join us for a Nature Stewards course! You'll delve into the fascinating realms of animals, plants, and […]

Project Planning Day – Grassy Plains Network

Iramoo Native Plant Nursery Building 1J Victoria University, Saint Albans, VIC, Australia

We’d love to hear what grassy projects you’re passionate about! Perhaps you have a secret skill we can put to use? Or maybe you'd like to put your hand up […]

RSVP Now Free 47 spots left

Grassland tour – Burns Road Grassland

Burns Road Grassland (Merton Street Grassland) 61 Government Rd, Altona, VIC, Australia

Join us to check out Burns Road Grassland in Hobsons Bay. It’s a still-good once-great grassland, with lovely stands of Kangaroo Grass and home to rare and threatened plants and […]

RSVP Now Free 43 spots left

*FULL* Citizen science – Great Forest Guardians

Yarra Junction

This activity is fully booked! Head to our activities calendar to find another activity to join us on. Immerse yourself in remote areas of the proposed Great Forest National Park […]

Sea Slug Census at San Remo – 11:30 am

San Remo

Join us as we search for sea slugs under the bridge at San Remo! This event takes rockpooling to the next level. You'll also see other amazing animals, like hermit […]

RSVP Now Free 9 spots left

Sea Slug Census at San Remo – 1 pm

San Remo

Join us as we search for sea slugs under the bridge at San Remo! This event takes rockpooling to the next level. You'll also see other amazing animals, like hermit […]

RSVP Now Free 41 spots left

*FULL* Citizen science – Life After Fire – Mt Cole

Mt Cole

This activity is fully booked! Head to our activities calendar to find another activity to join us on. Join our 2-day expeditions to Mt Cole and Pyrenees Forests to survey […]

Citizen science – Spotlight on Wombat Forest

Trentham, Victoria

Join us for some wildlife monitoring in Wombat Forest aka soon to become Wombat-Lerderderg National park! We're mapping habitat areas for threatened wildlife like Brush-tailed Phascogales, Mountain Skinks and Swift […]

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