Nature Stewards Application Form

Thanks for your interest in the Nature Stewards course for Ballarat in spring 2024.

This is a 10-week course running each Saturday from 7 September to 23 November excluding public holiday weekends.

Typical classes run from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and there will 4-6 field trips (~4 hours length) held in the afternoons after class throughout the course.

This is an introductory course best suited to those with little/no formal environmental education, who are willing to try or continue environmental volunteering.

The course fee for residents of City of Ballarat is $90. For non-residents it is $350 full fee, $90 concession.

This course has a maximum class size, and this application does not guarantee your place in the course. We will notify successful applicants of their place 2 weeks prior to course commencement.

To apply, please fill out the fields below.