We're calling out for the forgotten forests of the central west

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown our dependence on nature into the spotlight. Yet one of the most important opportunities for protecting nature in Victoria is gathering dust on the desks of decision-makers.

A year ago, on August 15 2019, VEAC’s Central West Investigation Final Report was tabled in state parliament. The report recommended the permanent protection of around 60,000 hectares of native bushland in the central west of Victoria.

Yet the date to accept them has passed. The Labor Government have gone quiet. So we’re gathering together to let decision-makers know that we haven’t forgotten the central west.

Join other nature-lovers for our calling party to speak up for the forests of the central west.

Sign up now for our call party 12-1pm | Thursday 20 August


Whether you’re a seasoned caller or a first-timer, we’ll provide a campaign debrief, a detailed guide and all the support you need to make these calls impactful. 

These parks would protect 380 threatened species that call the forests home through the central west of Victoria.

Our elected representatives are more likely to prioritise the legislative protection of nature in national parks when their constituents – the people like you that vote for them – call and ask them to support it.

We’re calling to show the incredible community support for new national parks in the central west. Join us.