Energy pressures mount on Western Port Bay

PARK WATCH Article December 2023 | Shannon Hurley, Nature Conservation Campaigner, reports on competing needs in Western Port Western Port is experiencing a paradox of energy proposals. On one hand,...
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A fair cop for suburban nature corridor

PARK WATCH Article December 2023 | Jordan Crook, Parks and Nature Campaigner, reports on Dandenong Police Paddocks/Nerre Nerre master planning The Dandenong Police Paddocks/Nerre Nerre...
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Solving the Western Port Woodlands puzzle

PARK WATCH Article December 2023 | Small pieces of wildlife-rich public reserves and private land form a puzzle that, if connected, can form a new national park, writes Jessie Borrelle, […]...
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Enfield Grevillea victim of a flawed experiment

PARK WATCH Article December 2023 | Ben Gill, Nature Conservation Campaigner, investigates disregard for national nature laws  VNPA was shocked to discover the Department of Energy, Environment and...
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An open letter to Premier Allan

TAKE ACTION | We’re doing something big for the forests, rivers, woodlands and wildlife of the central west. We’ve united over 60 state, national and international groups – joined by...
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Inquiry report: Impacts and management of feral horses in the Australian Alps

In early October 2023 the Federal Government published their findings from the Inquiry into the Impacts and management of feral horses in the Australian Alps. The report reiterated the severe...
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VNPA in support of YES vote for the Voice

In October 2023, Australians will be asked to vote on whether to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution and establish a Voice to Parliament. The Victorian...
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